Objectives related to human resource development and other educational and research objectives/educational goals/three policies

Rissho University

The university's purpose is defined in Article 1 of Chapter 1 (General Provisions) of Rissho University Academic Regulations, which states, "In accordance with the Fundamental Law of Education, the School Education Act, and the Child Welfare Act, this university aims to impart a high level of culture and knowledge, as well as to teach and research in-depth specialized academic subjects, and in particular to cultivate insight and develop character based on the Rissho spirit, and to educate individuals who are capable of contributing to the development of human society."

Purposes related to human resource development and other educational and research purposes

Based on the founding spirit of our university, each faculty and department strives to develop human resources with deep knowledge, sensibility combined with morals, and excellent expertise, and to conduct the education and research necessary for this purpose. Purposes related to training and other educational and research purposes.

In order to achieve this, the following ``educational goals'', ``policies for graduation certification and awarding of degrees'', ``policies for organizing and implementing curriculum'', and ``policies for accepting new students'' have been established and announced. To do.

educational goals

Through its undergraduate education programs (including extracurricular programs), Rissho University aims to cultivate "moralists and experts" who can serve as the center of gravity and the core of building a sustainable, better, and prosperous peaceful society.

Graduation certification/degree award policy

Rissho University awards degrees to students who have completed the courses in each faculty and department and have acquired the following abilities and qualities.

  • Interest/motivation/attitude
    • 建学の精神を貴ぶ姿勢を有している。
    • They have a public mission of contributing to society by combining their morals and knowledge with their expertise and abilities, and they have acquired a rich sense of humanity and autonomy that allows them to continue learning and growing throughout their lives.
    • Acquire the attitude of accepting the diversity of people and cultures and working with others to create new value.
    • They have acquired the perspective of actively engaging with humans, society, and the earth, and attempting to act independently.
  • Thoughts, judgments, expressions
    • He has the thinking ability to discover various issues facing humans, society, and the earth, and to explore their mechanisms.
    • Able to make logical and critical judgments in order to solve various issues facing humans, society, and the earth.
    • Able to express one's ideas in a way that is easily understood by others.
    • Students have acquired the career development ability to plan their current learning while looking ahead to their entire lives.
  • knowledge/understanding
    • Have acquired general knowledge and understanding of the specialized field of the faculty/department to which they belong.
    • 所属学部学科の特定の専門分野についての応用的な知識を身につけ、理解している。
    • Acquire and understand basic knowledge about humans, society, and the earth.
    • 外国語運用能力およびその背景にある当該外国の文化・歴史等に関する知識を身につけ、理解している。
  • Skill
    • 日本語・外国語の表現力やメディアリテラシー・情報倫理を含む、コミュニケーション能力を身につけている。
    • 修得した知識・技能・態度等を統合化し、活用する力を身につけている。
    • 複合的・多面的な領域への学修経験がある。
    • Have acquired the ability to discover, explore, solve, and express problems.

Curriculum organization and implementation policy


Policy for accepting new students (admission policy)

Rissho University University looks for students who share the educational goal of cultivating "moralists and experts" and who have acquired the abilities listed below. In our "Policy for Graduation Certification and Degree Awarding," we have set out the curriculum necessary to acquire the abilities set out in our "Policy for Curriculum Organization and Implementation." The type of person shown here is required for smooth learning in the curriculum set out in the "Policy for Curriculum Organization and Implementation."

Desired character image based on the three elements of academic ability

  • An attitude of independence and learning while collaborating with diverse people
    • Those who feel joy in making themselves useful to the world and to others, and who spare no effort to improve themselves personally and academically in order to do so.
    • A person who can aim for continuous learning and growth by putting learning into practice socially and reflecting this in learning and character development.
    • A person who has acquired the attitude of respecting diverse individuality, organically connecting them, and trying to make the most of them.
  • Thinking ability, judgment ability, expressive ability
    • A person who can continuously practice the process of discovering, exploring, and solving problems while making use of the knowledge and skills they have acquired.
    • 自らの考えを形成し、それを他者とのコミュニケーションをとおして適切に表現・共有することで、多様な考えの理解や新たな考えの形成をしていくことができる者。
    • 多様な知を融合し、新しい意味や価値を創造していくことのできる者。
  • knowledge/skills
    • Those who have the basic academic ability, skills, and social knowledge necessary to grow as a "moralist x expert" and acquire expertise in the faculty/department (course) in which they enroll.

Basic concept of admission selection

At our university, in addition to general selection for all faculties (R method, February examination (first semester), February examination (second semester), March examination), selection using the common university entrance test, comprehensive selection, school recommendation selection, and special selection. We aim to accept a diverse range of human resources who match the "Admission Policy" of each faculty/department (course) by adopting an entrance examination system with various selection methods.

  • General selection for all faculties


  • Selection using common university entrance test


  • Comprehensive selection


  • School recommendation selection (designated school system, open recruitment system, affiliated/semi-affiliated schools)


  • special selection
    • Selection entrance examination for specialized high school (department)/general department students
      • 高等学校・中等教育学校における職業教育を主とした農業、水産、工業、商業、情報、総合学科等の生徒を対象とし、基礎的学力を有し、特に思考力・判断力・表現力や、主体性・協働性を有し、課題に柔軟に取り組むことのできる能力と資質を有している者を受け入れます。調査書を含む書類、小論文、面接等により、学修意欲、思考力・判断力・表現力や、主体性・協働性等を総合的に評価し、選抜を行います。
    • Selective entrance exam for students returning from overseas
      • 海外における多様な教育課程において習得した知識・技能と、海外生活での豊富な経験を大学生活に生かせる者を受け入れます。各学部・学科(コース)における「求める人物像」に基づき、書類、作文、面接等により、思考力・判断力・表現力と主体性・協働性等を総合的に評価し、選抜を行います。
    • Selection entrance examination for working adults
      • 社会人を対象とし、生涯にわたって学び成長し続ける持続性・社会性・能動性を持つ者を受け入れます。各学部・学科(コース)における「求める人物像」に基づき、書類、小論文、面接等により、知識・技能、思考力・判断力・表現力と主体性・協働性を総合的に評価し、選抜を行います。
    • Selection entrance examination for foreign students
      • 外国籍を有する者を対象とし、自国の文化を基礎として日本の文化を理解し、さらに本学における各学部学科(コース)の有する専門分野を学ぶ意欲を持つ者を受け入れることを目的としています。各学部・学科(コース)における「求める人物像」に基づき、書類、日本語作文や面接、日本留学試験(EJU)の成績等により、知識・技能、思考力・判断力・表現力と主体性・協働性を総合的に評価し、選抜を行います。
    • Transfer selection entrance examination
      • 大学等で一定の学修経歴があり、本学の第2学年または第3学年から新たに学修の開始を希望する者を受け入れます。各学部・学科(コース)における「求める人物像」に基づき、編入学年次からの教育を受けるのに必要な基礎的学力に加え、「卒業認定・学位授与の方針」に定める能力・資質を編入学年次に応じて一定程度身につけているかを基準とし、書類、小論文、面接等により、知識・技能、思考力・判断力・表現力、主体性・協働性を総合的に評価し、選抜を行います。

graduate school

The purpose of the graduate school is defined in Article 1 of Chapter 1 (General Provisions) of the Rissho Uninersity Graduate School School Regulations, which states, "In accordance with the Fundamental Act of Education and the School Education Act, the purpose of this graduate school is to teach and research advanced and specialized academic theory and applications, building on the foundation of general and specialized education provided in the undergraduate programs, thereby contributing to the advancement of culture and the welfare of mankind."

To achieve this, we have established and published the following integrated set of "educational goals," "policy for certification of completion and awarding degrees," "policy for organizing and implementing the curriculum," and "policy for accepting students."

educational goals

Graduate school master's program

Through its master's degree program, Rissho Uninersity Graduate School aims to train "moralists and experts" who can serve as the center of gravity and the core of building a sustainable, better, and prosperous peaceful society.

Graduate School Doctoral Program

Through its doctoral program, Rissho Uninersity Graduate School aims to train "moralists and experts" who will serve as the center of gravity and the core of building a sustainable, better, and prosperous peaceful society.

Policies for certification of completion and conferring degrees

Master's Course

Rissho Uninersity Graduate School awards degrees to those who have completed the master's course in each graduate school and have acquired the following abilities and qualities.

  • Interest/motivation/attitude
    • The school has an attitude of honoring the "three oaths" found in the school's founding spirit.
    • They have a public mission of contributing to society by combining their expertise and ability with morals and scholarship, and have acquired a rich sense of humanity and autonomy that allows them to continue learning and growing throughout their lives.
    • 人や文化の多様性を受容し、他者と協働して新しい価値を創造しようとする態度を身につけている。
    • They have acquired the perspective of actively engaging with humans, society, and the earth, and attempting to act independently.
  • Thoughts, judgments, expressions
    • 人間・社会・地球の諸課題を発見し、その機序を探求しようとする思考力と、対処し得る能力を身につけている。
    • 人間・社会・地球の諸課題を解決するために、論理的・批判的に判断することができる。
    • 自らの考えを他者に理解されやすいように表現することができる。
    • 生涯を見通しながら現在の学びを計画するキャリア形成力を身につけている。
  • knowledge/understanding
    • Acquire systematic knowledge about the academic fields of the relevant graduate school in general.
    • Understand the highly specialized knowledge in the specific field of study.
  • Skill
    • 当該研究科の学問分野について内容・形式両面で優れた修士論文の作成能力を身につけている。
    • Possesses a high level of expertise that allows them to respond to social needs as professionals.

Doctoral course

Rissho Uninersity Graduate School awards doctoral degrees to students who have completed the doctoral coursework in their respective graduate school majors and have acquired the following abilities and qualities:

  • Interest/motivation/attitude
    • They have a public mission of contributing to society by combining highly specialized skills and abilities with morals and scholarship, and have acquired a rich sense of humanity and autonomy that allows them to continue learning and growing throughout their lives.
    • Acquire the attitude of accepting the diversity of people and cultures and working with others to create new value.
    • They have acquired the perspective of actively engaging with humans, society, and the earth, and attempting to act independently.
    • They have acquired deep expertise in their specific field and the ability to put this knowledge into practice in society.
  • Thoughts, judgments, expressions
    • They have acquired the thinking ability to discover various issues facing humans, society, and the earth, and to explore their mechanisms, as well as the excellent ability to deal with them.
    • Able to make logical and critical judgments in order to solve various issues facing humans, society, and the earth.
    • Able to express one's ideas in a way that is easily understood by others.
    • 生涯を見通しながら現在の学びを計画するキャリア形成力を身につけている。
  • knowledge/understanding
    • 当該研究科の学問分野全般についての体系的な知識を習得している。
    • 専攻する特定の領域における高度な専門的知識を十分に理解している。
  • Skill
    • 専攻する特定の領域に関する内容・形式両面で優れた博士論文の作成能力を身につけている。
    • Able to conduct independent research activities as a researcher in a research field.

Curriculum organization and implementation policy

Master's Course

In order to acquire the abilities and qualities set out in the Diploma Policy, the Master's Program at Rissho Uninersity Graduate School Graduate School systematically organizes subjects related to the graduate school's academic field and offers advanced classes that appropriately combine lectures, seminars, and practical training.

Doctoral course

In order to acquire the abilities and qualities set out in the Diploma Policy for Completion Certification and Degree Awarding, the Doctoral Program at Rissho Uninersity Graduate School systematically organizes subjects related to the major field, offers advanced classes that appropriately combine lectures, seminars, and practical training, and provides excellent research guidance.

Policy for accepting new students

Master's Course

In order to provide more advanced, specialized education based on the education offered at the undergraduate level, Rissho Uninersity Graduate School Master's Program requires students to have the following academic abilities:

  • An attitude of independence and learning by collaborating with diverse people
    • A person who has excellent academic knowledge and professional ability and has a mission to contribute to society.
  • Thinking ability, judgment ability, expressive ability
    • A person who can discover, explore, solve, and express problems while making use of the knowledge and skills they have acquired.
    • A person who has the ability to think logically and critically and has the ability to discover and solve various issues in society.
  • knowledge/skills
    • それぞれの専門分野の全般的知識を有し、応用力を身につけている者。
    • 高度な専門的教育のための、外国語運用能力およびその背景としての文化・歴史等に関する知識を有している者。

Doctoral course

In order to provide more advanced, specialized education based on the education offered in the Master's degree program, the Doctoral Program at Rissho Uninersity Graduate School School requires students to have the following academic abilities:

  • An attitude of independence and learning by collaborating with diverse people
    • Those who have particularly excellent academic knowledge and professional ability, and who have a mission to contribute to society.
  • Thinking ability, judgment ability, expressive ability
    • A person who has the ability to think logically and critically and has the ability to discover and solve various issues in society.
  • knowledge/skills
    • Those who have advanced knowledge in their respective specialized fields and have sufficient application skills.
    • Those who have foreign language proficiency and knowledge of culture, history, etc. as the background for more advanced specialized education.

Course subjects taught by teachers with practical experience

Rissho University offers courses taught by faculty members with work experience.